Showing 1 - 10 of 108 unique tasks
The Julia Programming Language
The Julia Programming Language
Design a one page summary of the Foundations of Machine Learning course on JuliaAcademy
The Julia Programming Language
Write a blog post about using Github Actions for Julia packages
The Julia Programming Language
Generate docs for Dashboards.jl
The Julia Programming Language
Write a blog post about 1-based vs 0-based array indexing
The Julia Programming Language
Update to be more accessible using Tota11y
The Julia Programming Language
Create a Makie.jl program utilizing as many attributes as possible.
The Julia Programming Language
Design a logo for AbstractPlotting.jl
The Julia Programming Language
Complete the Parallel Computing course on
The Julia Programming Language
Implement an exercise for the Julia Exercism Track
The Julia Programming Language
Update the site to fix broken links
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