The Julia Programming Language

Write a blog post about using Github Actions for Julia packages

Write a blog post about using GitHub Actions for Julia packages


  • Familiarise yourself with continuous integration in general, and GitHub Actions in particular
  • Write about one aspect of GitHub Actions related to Julia package development

This task should be solved in 2-3 steps:

  1. Decide on a topic (see below). Write a short comment on what you already know about it, what you will need to look into, and if you have previous writing experience. Submit it on the Code-in site so that we can decide together if the topic you chose is a realistic goal or if it’s too broad/narrow for the available timeframe. You’ll be provided with 1-2 resources as starting points for your research once we agreed on a topic.
  2. (optional, but recommended) If you want, you can submit an outline before writing the full text and ask for some input. This allows us to catch potential issues early and save you work later on.
  3. Write the actual blog post.

If you need an extension or have any questions, please ask!

Topic suggestions

Your post should either address why someone should use GitHub Actions or how to use GitHub Actions in the context of Julia development.

Try to pick a topic that fits your skills but also challenges you to learn something new, or come up with your own topic if you prefer.

List of topic suggestions


You must give proper attribution when using works of other people as source!

If you’re not sure how to properly give attribution or cite something, please ask!

Task tags

  • julia
  • github
  • ci/cd
  • actions

Students who completed this task

kfung, mikolajhojda, Soumitra Shewale

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research