The Julia Programming Language

Create a Makie.jl program utilizing as many attributes as possible.

Some of the docs for Makie.jl reference attributes that you can use. However, the actual usage of those attributes may not be clear to some people. Create an example Makie.jl program and corresponding blog post/GitHub gist(or just comments in the code) that explain the code and utilizes as many possible different parts of Makie as possible. The overarching goal is to show how to reference and use as many attributes as possible available in Makie.jl.

Task tags

  • plots
  • makie
  • plotting
  • julia

Students who completed this task

kfung, akshat2004, TheComputerM, Nand_V, PseudoCodeNerd

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training