Showing 11 - 20 of 105 unique tasks
CCExtractor Development
[Harddesign] Create a logo for Nephos
CCExtractor Development
[SwagLyrics] Add support for macOS.
CCExtractor Development
Task for John - Create a logo for CCAligner (Part - 2)
CCExtractor Development
[CCExtractor-Web] Create 'admin' user when initialising the app irrespective of application 'mode'.
CCExtractor Development
[Sample-Platform] Implement option to edit category
CCExtractor Development
Getting started: Fix spellings and bad function names.
CCExtractor Development
Create sticker designs for CCExtractor.
CCExtractor Development
Research: Find a good replacement CMS (content management system) for our website
CCExtractor Development
Getting Started: Nephos: Create Debian Installation Script
CCExtractor Development
Create a nice landing page for GSoC and GCI Students.