CCExtractor Development

Getting Started: Nephos: Create Debian Installation Script

Currently, we only have an installation script for CentOS, which is acceptable since the platform on which Nephos will be deployed is a CentOS system. However, it is desirable that, for the convinience of developers (and testers), we have an install script for Ubuntu/Debian.

Using the install script written for CentOS; a new script can be created with instructions to install in a Debian based distro. A slightly better approach would be to find the platform automatically and then install the appropriate packages. The latter one is preferred since having two files for installation is tedious and few tasks are platform independent.

This is a good tutorial to start with if you are new to shell scripting.

Task tags

  • getting started
  • nephos
  • installation
  • shell scripting

Students who completed this task

T1duS, Matej Plavevski

Task type

  • code Code