Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

Claim and fix an issue in the issue tracker. [FirstAide - Android]


Checkout from GitHub and build the app. Complete the Android setup environment task.

All the necessary information are there in the READ ME file. Do not forget to build the develop branch as it contains the latest developments.

Steps to Complete:

  1. Play with the app get familiar with it.
  2. Go through the issue list and find the issues which are tagged gci.
  3. Claim it in the comments and submit a PR (Pull Request).


As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general and #firstaide on Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.

Keep in Mind:

Most of the GCI tagged issues have multiple sub issues. Make sure you do not claim a sub issue which is not already claimed by some one else.

What to Submit:

A pull request containing the fix. This pull request should get accepted after been reviewed.

Task tags

  • firstaide
  • android
  • java

Students who completed this task

Farbod Salamat-Zadeh, Soham Sen, JacquelineVB

Task type

  • code Code