Systers, an Anita Borg Institute Community

Create your Android development environment!

Simple Definition:

A development environment is your computer with software/tools downloaded to help you program! Here's how to get started with our open source projects.


  • Download Android Studio. If using Mac/Linux, please download the correct format under "Start using Android Studio today."
  • Create a GitHub profile.
  • Fork develop branch of the project you are interested from the following options, and clone (or download) it to your machine.
    1. Powerup Android
    2. Peace Corps Safety App Android
    3. Malaria Android
  • Finally, build the application on your computer. You will need to download SDK tools.


As you work on this task, you should join and remain in #gci-general and the relevant project channel on Systers Opensource Slack to get help, feedback, and guidance from mentors and other developers.

Keep in Mind:

Please read the ReadMe on the GitHub for the project you fork!

Work Submission:

  • Submit two screenshots of the running application (Powerup, FirstAide, or Malaria).
    • One with the IDE in the background.
    • One of the emulator/device.
    • If it's a device screenshot, submit a 3rd screenshot of your error when trying to run an emulator.
  • Submit the links to your forked GitHub projects.

Task tags

  • java
  • android
  • games
  • peace corps

Students who completed this task

SkuxDelux, ShannenB, Jagreet Das Gupta, Phoebe Fletcher, Jonathan Persson, Xander Jake delos Santos, Isira Wijayarathne, Megan Yu, Joie Le, Ayush Karapagle, Steph Ng, Ron Arel, Arishta Jain, MKASKER

Task type

  • code Code

