
Block Families. Step 3: Contrast old and new school block families and provide feedback/improvements

This task is the third task in the chain. Please do the second task first.

BlockFamilies was built as a way to organize blocks of a certain type together. For instance, a fence block can be connected to nothing or up to four cardinal directions and every other combination in between. There is currently a pull request waiting in The Terasology that heavily modifies how Block Families works.

The goal of this task is to compare and contrast the new and the old implementation and provide feedback on what can be done to improve this further. The prior two tasks had you implementing the same block for both implementations of block families to gain an understanding of how this works. What do you think worked well and what could be better? Do you think the new system is a step forward in the right direction?

Definition of 'Done'

  • Create a Gist that provides your feedback and suggested improvements from contrasting the old and new implementation of BlockFamilies and post a comment linking to that Gist in this pull request
  • (bonus) Create a pull request against the engine with changes to improve Block Families in the newBlockFamilies branch (improve javadocs, logging, checksyle fixes)

    # Where to start

See also

Task tags

  • blockfamilies

Students who completed this task

Alberto, Soundwave, eviltak, Aleksander Wójtowicz, Suraj Datta, Jason Huang, Nicholas Bates, Thomas O'Keeffe

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research