
Write scripts to gather snapcraft stats from github projects

Snapcraft is a delightful packaging tool. With it you can make free software projects easy to install and update in many Linux distributions. More info: https://snapcraft.io/

The snapcraft team tries to assign priorities to the backlog of tasks by looking at the stats of the projects using snapcraft. The task consists on writing a script to gather data from those projects to see what are the most and least used snapcraft features, and how those change over time.

For this task, you need to have Ubuntu installed: https://bit.ly/ugciubuntu For this task, you need to know:


  • Join the #ubuntu-google IRC chatroom: https://bit.ly/ugcichat
  • Say hi to elopio, kyrofa and sergiusens.
  • Read the launchpad and github scripts from https://github.com/elopio/random-scripts to understand how to gather data from projects using snapcraft.
  • Write a script to gather the number of projects using:
    • each source type
    • local and remote sources
    • scripts: (prepare, build, install, version-script)
    • version: git

Task tags

  • github
  • data
  • launchpad
  • snapcraft
  • ubuntu

Students who completed this task

Mazur Denis

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research