
Follow the rust snap creation tutorial

The goal of this task is to test-drive the following linked tutorial. Ensure the tutorial covers everything required to complete it, and file bugs (if found) at the external link.

You will require an Ubuntu 16.04 machine or VM in which to run this task.


Task tags

  • snap
  • rust
  • tutorial

Students who completed this task

Qazi Omair Ahmed, ExplodingCow, Marcin Mikołajczak, Accelerator, Daniel Livingston, DigiBrkr, WinningIt, Simran Singh, Pranav Gade, Nissaar Gopee, Konrad Krawiec, Dhruv Sharma, Heesen Ponnusawmy, terobero, Srivishnu Piratla, Yashvender Poswal, KARTHIK RAMAKRISHNAN

Task type

  • done_all Quality Assurance