Add a recipe to the Cooking module
Terasology has a Cooking module that implements a basic cooking system through the usage of CookingStations. This module also provides new food items as well as recipes for producing the food. The food can then be consumed to fill up the hunger and thirst meters implemented in the Hunger and Thirst modules.
Your task is to implement one food recipe that's currently not present in the module - for example, a sandwich or a cake. It should require several food ingredients to make, and have a new food item as the final output god, it'll be fine. This task can be paired with the "Add a food item to the Cooking module" task if one or more of the ingredients and/or the output are missing from the module.
Definition of 'Done'
- A pull request is submitted to the Cooking module containing the new recipe. Feel free to add your GitHub nickname to the list of authors in the module.txt file!
Suggested next task: Add a new cooking utensil to the Cooking module, Add a new potion to the Potions module.
Where to start?
- Download a copy of the Cooking module using "gradlew fetchModuleCooking", create a new branch, and start from there.
- Check the already existing food prefabs and recipes for examples on how to setup a food prefab. Refer to the README in the repository to find more instructions.