
Answer a snapcraft question in askubuntu

Snapcraft is a delightful packaging tool. With it you can make free software projects easy to install and update in many Linux distributions. More info: https://snapcraft.io/

Some of our users ask questions in askubuntu.com when they have problems. This task consists on answering a question.

For this task, you need to have Ubuntu installed: https://bit.ly/ugciubuntu For this task, you need to know:


Task tags

  • snapcraft
  • askubuntu
  • ubuntu

Students who completed this task

Viraat Chandra, Marcin Mikołajczak, Accelerator, Daniel Lim, WinningIt, Simran Singh, Pranav Gade, Nissaar Gopee, Varun Patel, Heesen Ponnusawmy

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • assessment Outreach / Research