
Create a Wikimedia site configuration change


You will need basic knowledge of PHP.


From time to time, one of the many Wikimedia communities request a configuration change. This is usually done by a change in operations/mediawiki-config based on a request created under Wikimedia-Site-requests.

A site configuration change is something like this:

Your task will be the following:

  1. Check the "GCI related" column of Wikimedia-Site-requests project and pick one that you feel comfortable with. I strongly recommend you to confirm that you can work on the task you picked, as some requests require special knowledge and/or permissions.
  2. Once you have a configuration change you'll be working on, claim the task on Phabricator and change its priority to Normal. (You will have to register an account on Phabricator for this.)
  3. Be careful to make sure there is community consensus.
  4. Propose a patch for the operations/mediawiki-config repository in Wikimedia Gerrit fulfilling this configuration change (see examples above).

Next task

You can get the change deployed after you completed this.


Task tags

  • mediawiki
  • configuration
  • php

Students who completed this task

stibba, arcaynia, Zoran Dori, pipix

Task type

  • code Code