
Create, upload and use screenshots for 4 gadgets on Wikidata (Part 1)

Not all gadgets have a screenshot yet. We would like them to be all equally documented.

Please visit this link: to get an overview of the gadgets.

You will need a user account on any Wikimedia project which you can use to edit Wikidata and upload on Commons.

While logged in on, navigate to preferences and then click the gadgets tab.

You will need to activate following gadgets if not already active:

  • AuthorityControl
  • CommonsMedia
  • DraggableSitelinks
  • enumItems

Try to understand how each of these gadgets works. Then use the gadget in a way so it is possible to take a screenshot that best describes the interface and/or functionality of the gadget. Only have relevant parts in the screenshot, not your entire screen.

Upload the screenshots on Wikimedia Commons. You can simlpy use the upload wizard to do that. Make sure you're logged in on Commons and then follow the step by step instructions the upload wizard provides.

Use a descriptive file name and the category Wikidata screenshots. Take a look at this screenshot to get an idea how it could look.

Then add the screenshots to the gadgets page (For reference, look at the page in edit mode to see how the other screenshots were incorporated).

Please feel free to write me anytime if you have any questions about the upload, the incorporation of the Commons file on Wikidata or anything else blocking you.

You can always find me on #mediawiki and #wikidata as Incabell.

Task tags

  • gadget
  • wikidata
  • screenshot

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training