
Run the Kubuntu image (iso) tests and report your results

The ISO tracker records all our results from manual test runs for Kubuntu which we use to ensure the overall quality of our installation images.

Your task is to complete a testsuite for a daily Bionic Beaver image of Kubuntu. Either i386 or amd64 is fine. Virtual machines are ok. Use the walkthrough to learn how the process works. Don't forget to file any bugs you find and look out for known bugs.

A completed submission will include the following:

  1. A link to your Launchpad profile.
  2. A link to the testsuite where you reported your result (example). That page should have a "passed" or "failed" result from you for each row of the table. Make sure those results include bugs you filed.
  3. A screenshot of one of the installed systems showing head /etc/apt/sources.list and sudo fdisk -l.

đź“Ś NOTE Make sure that the version of ISO you are testing with is the same version you are reporting on. The versions are in the form YYYYMMDD.V where YYYY is the year, MM the month, DD the date, and .V an optional version number if there is more than one published per day. Here's how to confirm:

  • For the ISO, the download URL will contain the version number in it, but if you didn't record that, use strings /path/to/iso/file | grep Bionic | awk -F'[()]' '{print $2}'.
  • For the tracker, just click on the "link to download information" and look at the version number in the given URLs.

Task tags

  • test
  • qa
  • manual
  • iso
  • desktop

Students who completed this task

Qazi Omair Ahmed, Marcin Mikołajczak, June Hyung (Jacob) Kim, Simran Singh, Antonín, Konrad Krawiec, Arnav Bhatt

Task type

  • web Design
  • done_all Quality Assurance