Fix the Bookmark Import Feature in Marble

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The Desktop version of Marble supports bookmarks, which can be exported to a KML file in the Bookmarks Manager (see the Bookmarks menu). Such a KML file can be imported as well. Unfortunately there is a bug in this feature that leads to a crash. The goal of this task is to find the cause and fix it.

Hint: The problem is likely in BookmarkManagerDialog::importBookmarks(). In there the KML file is opened as a GeoDataDocument* and then bookmarks are copied over one by one. The method seems to mix up the ownership though: It calls d->m_manager->addBookmark( newFolder, *newPlacemark ); twice where newFolder is from the imported file. This is wrong, the first argument (newFolder) must be part of the existing bookmark document current.

It should be helpful to study the structure of GeoDataDocument (and GeoDataContainer, GeoDataFolder) a bit wrt to ownership of placemarks. In short, a GeoDataPlacemark* is owned by the container (GeoDataFolder or GeoDataDocument) which it is assigned to, its parent.

When you are done, please upload your code changes in a review request to phabricator.

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Task tags

  • marble
  • qt

Students who completed this task

Sergey Popov

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance