
Package an Electron application as a snap

We have identified a number of electron-based desktop applications which already have builds for Linux, but are not yet easily available in Ubuntu. The goal of this task it to select one of those applications and update the build system to add snap support.

Steps for this task

This is a high level view of the steps, more detail is provided in the following guide. Please follow that guide.

  1. Pick an application from the following spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15Cd1Ku2V8TLXHoKAkcgvHCkAsm3Ki1QGDrpHzqMgox4/edit#gid=0
  2. In the spreadsheet, place your name/nickname in column B to claim the application
  3. Claim this task in Google CodeIn and paste a link to this task in column C (this is to ensure two CodeIn students do not work on the same application at the same time)
  4. Go through the linked guide, to enable snap build support
  5. Build a snap of the selected application and test that it works as expected
  6. Create a pull request against the upstream project to add snap support to their existing builds.
  7. Submit this CodeIn task for review

Task tags

  • snap
  • electron

Students who completed this task

Qazi Omair Ahmed, Marcin Mikołajczak, Thomas Orlita, Simran Singh, Nissaar Gopee, Konrad Krawiec, June Hyung (Jacob) Kim, Muktaka Joshipura

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research