
Create a bot that welcomes new contributors - Part 1

Zulip being a popular open source project receives a lot of new contributors. In vast majority of the cases the new contributor welcomes themselves in chat.zulip.org and asks how to get started. Most of the times the community quickly replies to these messages. But in some cases it may take a few several minutes to a couple of hours (worst case) to get back to new contributors.

Your task is to make a bot that can identify new contributors and welcome them automatically. You can use a service like Dialogflow, Wit.AI etc to understand the meaning of the messages. You can train the bot on the contributor intros from https://chat.zulip.org/#narrow/stream/new.20members.

You can use this as a standard reply to most messages.

To pass this task

  • Create the bot and deploy it to chat.zulip.org. The bot should react to only messages that are send in #bot testing. Take some screenshots of the bot and submit it to zulip-gci-submissions/interactive-bots/welcomebot/ /. Also submit a small doc which explains how you built the bot.

Task tags

  • ai
  • nlp
  • bots
  • dialogflow
  • wit.ai

Students who completed this task

Freddie Miller

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research