
Learn how to use Gerrit for code review, by submitting a patch

Wikimedia uses Gerrit as its code review system. That's where you propose code changes and others will review them before your code changes will get merged and become available to everybody.

Many Wikimedia tasks want you to submit your work to Gerrit. We have a test instance of Gerrit, live on In this task, you should upload a patch to this test Gerrit instance.

Please read through Gerrit tutorial (please bear in your mind that in this task, you should work on test instance living under and NOT on the main instance; everytime this tutorial talks about, imagine it's talking about With the help of this tutorial, upload a patch to this repository. This commit should add new file "yourusername.txt" (please use the same nickname as on the GCI site), which can contain any text you want.

You also want to read, which guides you how to write good commit messages.

Recommended task

If the task is not claimed yet, you can write instructions how to use the test instance in this task.

Task tags

  • git
  • gerrit

Students who completed this task

boboquack, jaimeiji, arcaynia, gnsJhenJie, Siyam, 1024m, stibba, stella, Jan Rosa, pipix, YVB, Daniil, safan41, terppa05

Task type

  • code Code
  • assessment Outreach / Research

