Liquid Galaxy project

Top ten task: Identify seas and oceans and create a KML.

For top ten task think that this can be one of the task we give importance at the winners decission, not meaning you'll be choosen, but that's very important to us.

For our open project called "Sea Forecasting" we want you to collaborate and do this taks.
Furthermore, if we approve it, we will give your credit on the project.
The goal of this project is to predict the temperature and the currents of the sea using Machine Learning.
We'll use Open Data, and data captured from ROVs to make the analysis.

In this task we want that you create KMLs with the seas and oceans of the world
Make a Google research of the limits of the seas and oceans of the world.
And create at least 10 KMLs of seas and oceans, naming them accordingly.
Use this master naming convention

When KMLs are created record your screen and press one after the other in the left tool box, to have google earth globe animate and go to every kml, video in .mp4.

Task delivery
Send us the ten kmls and .mp4 video to (unzipped)
Publish them too in the selected task of your Google Code-in dashboard for mentor review and approval.

Task tags

  • code
  • kml

Students who completed this task

Sahanj Jose, Qazi Omair Ahmed, Kewbish, KApusta, VishalBala, mobiusdonut, Avinash_Kashyap, ItsSzczepan, asmrvin, Dyl, tapaswini, Merul Dhiman, Alvii_07, Sup3rJ4n, Aditya Krishnan, ItsPKS, Janiru Semitha, Imflevi

Task type

  • code Code