Fedora Project

Write a documentation on how man-in-the-middle(MITM) attacks work using ARPspoof.

ARPspoof redirect packets from a target host on the LAN intended for another host on the LAN by forging ARP replies. This is an extremely effective way of sniffing traffic on a node. You need to install ARPspoof in your machine and write a blog showing how ARP can be spoofed. You should include screenshots, record terminal sessions, and attach pictorial representation explaining the method of Man-In-The-Middle attack. You can have arpspoof by installing Dsniff tool.


Send your post as a Google Document/gist/Blog link. Please do not copy any content from the Internet. Try understanding the concept of ARP and ARPspoofing. Please include proofs(Like Screenshots, ASCIInemas) of you tinkering with ARPspoof.


Dsniff has many other tools included in it like urlsnarf and driftnet. You need to capture the HTTP traffic(in Common Log Format - CLF) inside your network and use driftnet to sniff the image files/GIF.


Keep the sniffing and spoofing restricted to your own computer ONLY! This task is intended for your learning and not harming people. With great code comes great responsibility.

Contact Mentor:

Please do not copy someone else's work from the internet. If you have doubts contact the Fedora Summer Coding group using telegram. If you are not already a member you can join the group https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding

Task tags

  • cyber-security

Students who completed this task

wikwg9, simon7l7

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training