Systers, an community

Write suggestions about the kind of information the mentorship application should be taking for making mentors and mentees profiles


Google Drive


  • Install the mentorship app apk and see what information it currently uses to build mentor/mentee profiles.
  • Do some research on other mentorship programs and look at their models for pairing mentors and mentees. Also research about what things mentors would like to know about the mentees before agreeing to mentor them. Similarly research what mentees want to know about mentors when deciding who they should reach out to for mentorship.
  • Write down your suggestions and the reasons for those. Reference any sources that you used and got insights from.


Work Submission

Submit a link to the Google Doc

Task tags

  • blog
  • research
  • suggestions
  • writing

Students who completed this task

Isabel, BartekPacia, polabedz

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research