The Mifos Initiative

Mifos X Web App - Create templates module and component and design its user interface


The objective is to create templates module and component and design its user interface.


  1. Create a templates module and component in the app folder.
  2. Connect the component via routing from the toolbar component so that its accessible.
  3. Make sure to read the guidelines to replicate a screen from here.
  4. Design the user interface for the templates component using angular material components and flex layout directives to ensure responsiveness.
  5. Fetch the data by implementing the required API and populate the table. Make sure searching and sorting works.
  6. Write comments for the implemented module and component.

You may have a look at the current implemented components in accounting, system or products section for reference.

How to get help

If you need help, be sure to post your question to our developer mailing list or ask in our chatroom.

All the best! Do remember, quality over quantity is the key.

Task tags

  • Mifos
  • Web App
  • Angular Material
  • Flex Layout
  • Angular

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training
  • web Design