CCExtractor Development

Harddesign: Create a logo for the CCExtractor Sample-Platform


CCExtractor is a tool to extract subtitles/closed captions from video streams. In order to verify that changes to the code don't break previous samples with issues, we created a test suite. To run this whenever a pull request on GitHub is opened, or when a commit is made, we created the Sample Platform (often abbreviated as SP), which is a website where users can submit faulty samples, and which kicks off the test suite on different platforms.

The task

The current logo of the Sample Platform is derived from one of the previous CCExtractor logos, which was copied from the Closed Captioning logo (ref.

CCExtractor got a new logo last Code-in, but the logo of the Sample Platform didn't change.

We'd like you to make a new logo for the platform, which visually matches with the CCExtractor logo.

Requirements to complete this task

We expect a pull request on the Sample Platform with the new logo. You must supply:

  • The original format (.ai, .psd, .svg, ...)
  • An exported png version
  • A favicon version

Relevant extra links

Task tags

  • logo
  • ci
  • design
  • subtitles
  • closed captions

Students who completed this task

Sam P, reveur_guy, MajesticHero

Task type

  • web Design