Perform Competitive Analysis for the CircuitVerse platform

CircuitVerse is an OpenSource platform that lets users explore the world of digital logic circuits by providing a simulator and resources to learn digital circuits.

Competitive Analysis is an important aspect of designing a platform. Evaluating competitors’ products to determine their weaknesses and strengths relative to your own product.

Your Task to perform a competitive analysis for CircuitVerse. Search and find 2-3 platforms that provide a similar software/platform like that of CircuitVerse and evaluate their websites and software to determine where we lack, what can be done and what are our strengths compared to them.

Remember, the deeper the research, the better insights it provides. A good research report must take about 2-3 hours of exploration and analysis.

Deliverables: A document of your research in PDF format

Task tags

  • competitive analysis
  • research

Students who completed this task

fluctix, M.Anantha Vijay, Josh Heng, karangreat, Eric Sheng, CS0

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research
  • done_all Quality Assurance