[easy] My first REST API

For a developer, knowledge of HTTP Methods is very important.

So, in this task, you'll have to learn about HTTP Methods, use the resouce below to get started:

(You may continue reading till the point you think you understand it.)

When you ready to continue, you can go to and follow the documentation on that page to make the following requests:

  1. Create an account
  2. Get account details.
  3. Get all items from the account.
  4. Add the 3 data items. ( Data from account details )
  5. Update the 3 data items. ( Data from account details )
  6. Get all items from the account.
  7. Show specific item with id.
  8. Delete each of the created items.
  9. Get all items from the account.

You can use a postman( for calling HTTP methods.

When you are done making requests with your token, you can let us know and your task will be checked!

Provide a user-id to make us check your task and you can upload a screenshot of response from the server to GCI System (Optional).

Task tags

  • training
  • HTTP
  • REST

Students who completed this task

PixelHir, a09hopper, mochanif, FiiD, nella17, Rayhan Rafiud Darojat, StuckDexter, Saintmalik, aaPle, JoshDaBosh, Muhammad Rafli, MarxPlank, dianeme, Justin, neelr, Vikrant, Dương, Ibnu Fachrizal, Arsym, Wionek, Ashutosh Agrawal, A_Jain, CSY54, gagas, marfgold1, bl6, trent_xwb, Naman Khare, yikky, IRVAN, calixo888

Task type

  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training