[Beginner] Introduction to OpenWISP

To successfully be a part of a community, you need 3 things:

  1. Communication:

    • You should drop us a "Hi!" on our gitter channel, let us know your nickname and what type of task you are interested in doing.
    • Join our mailing list find more here:
  2. Know about OpenWISP, read the following pages:

You may read other pages available here: (The more you read about the organization, the better your understanding of what we are doing!)

  1. Read about the Technologies we use:

  2. Read about how you can win GCI under our organization:

When you are done with your reading. Write a short blog post of at least 200 words about your understand of OpenWISP, publish this post online and send us the link. We highly suggest to share this post on your social media profiles using the tags #opensource and #openwisp! This will help you to start building your reputation as an active open source contributor.

Task tags

  • openwisp
  • blogging
  • beginner

Students who completed this task

Coder, Yusianto R Rama, Maurice, prxt, Karan09, Hysterical04, Stephen Chien, Raphael, Ibnu Fachrizal, Shahzaib, Leafthanded, Kr0n0s, Sujal Mehndiratta

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research

