Design a new homepage for the OpenMRS website

The homepage of the OpenMRS website needs a new design! Get creative and show us a sleek design that still includes all the current elements on our homepage. It does not need to be interactive but if you want a challenge, make it a HTML page!


  • Be sure to follow the OpenMRS logo Policy
  • make sure it is related to what OpenMRS does as a an organization
  • look at other website homepage designs for inspiration


Submission steps

  1. Upload your final design as a PNG or PDF or link here.
  2. What is the software used to create this design?
  3. Explain anything that supports your choices in the design
  4. Mention in the right-bottom-corner ( in small font size - 8 or less): Created By <your_gci_id>

Task tags

  • homepage
  • user interface
  • design

Students who completed this task

MEEM, Shriyans Mohanty, kanha, Michelle, prathamesh_m009, Hannah, darshvatsa, Saad Khaleeq, riskycase, Ishaanndas, PermissionError, Ribhav Sharma, ajey muthiah, Raydex, MansiRank, ADI_CODER, Saaras, tixpro, Devanshk09

Task type

  • code Code
  • web Design