Suggest a new feature for OpenMRS

Research about other available medical record systems and suggest at least one new feature and the reason to have that feature that is currently not available in OpenMRS. You can list down up to three new features

Submission steps

  1. List down other medical record systems you researched
  2. Provide the new feature and a small description of the feature and why do you think it's important

Final Step

  1. Once your ideas/thoughts accepted by a mentor, you need to post your idea here :


  • Don't copy other's idea, If we identify your submission which is copied from the existing sources, you will be removed from the tasks or even from the contest due to the contest rules.

Students who completed this task

Raydex, cyulater123, Snigdho, Michelle, Anay Sharma, darshvatsa, prathamesh_m009, Saad Khaleeq, Roku234, Nayan, PermissionError, RoboKrrish, mihiraggarwal, Amos Gamaliel, Devanshk09

Task type

  • assessment Outreach / Research