Design a Certificate for OpenMRS Implementers Conference attendee

Every year OpenMRS and its partner organizations hold an Implementers conference in a given country for a period of 5 days. After the conference, the attendees are issued certificates. Design a very impressive certificate with the OpenMRS logo. Show your artistic skills.

  • Mention in the right-bottom-corner ( in small font size - 8 or less): Created By <your_gci_id>


  • Be sure to follow the OpenMRS logo Policy. Link is below
  • Utilize the provided link to get an orientation about implementer conferences
  • You may put logos for some of the Partner organizations as well


Submission steps

  1. Upload your final design as a PNG or PDF or link here.
  2. Where did you get the images (If you used any images)?
  3. What is the software used to create this design?

Task tags

  • gci2019
  • once-per-student
  • openmrs

Students who completed this task

Raydex, kanha, gamer-1748, Yassenaal, RoboKrrish, Manula Thejan, darshvatsa, AM, Saad Khaleeq, Nayan, Nikita, mihiraggarwal, kwalia, Devanshk09, Xandria Ong, pathi, Vansh_27, Utkarsh, tixpro, AWESOMEPARTH

Task type

  • web Design