SCoRe Lab

[ TrackPal ] - Fork, Clone, Build and Run a Project

The task is to;

  1. Fork a repository of TrackPal and add the link of your forked repository as proof
  2. Clone the forked repository on your machine and attach a screenshot. This should clearly contain the git commands that you have run
  3. Build Project in your local machine (All the steps that are needed to build the project is in the file. Follow the file to build and run the project)
  4. Run the Project

Task Deliverable:

  1. Share forked project URL
  2. Upload Screenshots of cloned repo
  3. Upload screenshots of build project
  4. Upload screenshots of working project (A screen shot of the working mobile app. If it gives an error page after successfully building the project, no need to try to find the solution for the given error, just upload the error what ever you got).

Task tags

  • git
  • react-native

Students who completed this task

lukasz-zbrzeski, Creative sharman, sanyogthescholar, Tahama

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training