SCoRe Lab

[Git] Fork, Clone, Build and Run a Project

The task is to;

  1. Fork a repository of ScoRe Lab and add the link of your forked repository as proof
  2. Clone the forked repository on your machine and attach a screenshot. This should clearly contain the git commands that you have run
  3. Build Project in your local machine
  4. Run the Project

Task Deliverables:

  1. Share forked project URL
  2. Upload Screenshots of cloned repo
  3. Upload screenshots of build project
  4. Upload screenshots of working project

Screenshots: Please ensure that the screenshot is of whole screen. Do not crop. Do not resize.

Task tags

  • git

Students who completed this task

Geralt of Rivia, Shari, Tony8, kunalbhatia, Calamity210, cryptonomer, notnavindu

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training

