
Deploy your model on Firebase for iOS /Android

Your task is to train a machine learning model for image classification. You can use any dataset you want, for faster training training of your model you can use Colab, which provides free GPU for training. Train a model and save it. Then you have to deploy the model for mobile, this can be done by uploading your custom model to your Firebase console in ML kit. But before that make sure that the model you have trained is in tflite format. Now you have to build an Android/iOS App around it for getting inference from the model which is sitting on Firebase.

Please follow the following format for submission We'll need the following in the repository

  1. A notebook (colab/Jupyter or a Python script) where you have trained a model
  2. We would also like to see your model (.h5 or .pb)
  3. Also have your tflite model in the repository
  4. Your code for the app
  5. Also a good readme, where you'll document/explain every thing you've done and link a video of the working of the app Please try to document it well, so that we can understand what exactly you are doing.

Task tags

  • tflite
  • tensorflow
  • android
  • firebase
  • ios

Students who completed this task

anigasan, William6495, Phoom, Tom, Smlax, Ja-sniff/Javismb, As1234, jimmy_page, WZHANG, boron, Qwerty71, Rick Wierenga, Rachin, Ryan

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training