CCExtractor Development

[BUG] SwagLyrics: Stop empty stripped song names get returned


SwagLyrics is an application that fetches the currently playing song from Spotify on Windows, Linux and macOS and displays the lyrics in the command-line or in a browser tab (using Flask). Refreshes automatically when song changes and uses lyrics fetched from Genius. The application is also available as a pip module.

The unique thing about SwagLyrics is the way it parses and builds the lyrics url from the Spotify info, this allows it to be way faster and accurate than any other such similar application. This is done in the stripper function.

The Task

Since our lyrics provider generally supports songs only with romanized characters, non latin characters (Japanese, Korean etc.) are stripped from the song names when building urls. But what if the whole song name was in Japanese? In that case the stripper response would be empty when getting lyrics. You need to handle that case by checking if the value is empty and acting accordingly. It should be a simple fix :)

Requirements to complete this task

We expect an opened pull request, which contains the modification requested above, unit tests that cover (most of) the changes, and documentation where necessary.

Relevant extra links

Task tags

  • python
  • swaglyrics
  • bug
  • easy
  • githubissue

Students who completed this task

Sam P, Tantan4321

Task type

  • code Code