CCExtractor Development

SwagLyrics Backend: Create token authentication functions


SwagLyrics is an application that fetches the currently playing song from Spotify on Windows, Linux and macOS to displays the lyrics in the command-line or in a browser tab (using Flask). Refreshes automatically when song changes and uses lyrics fetched from Genius. The application is also available as a pip module.

The task

Currently, the SwagLyrics Backend uses a personal token to create GitHub issues on the SwagLyrics repository. We want to make it a GitHub application so it can do that as a first class actor. That requires using a JWT token to create an authentication token to interact with the GitHub API that needs to also be renewed once it expires. It is your task to create those functions :)

Fear not, we implement something similar to interact with the Spotify API already so you will have a reference to use.

Requirements to complete this task

We expect an opened pull request, which contains the modification requested above, unit tests that cover (most of) the changes, and documentation where necessary.

Relevant extra links

Task tags

  • python
  • bots
  • github
  • jwt
  • api

Students who completed this task


Task type

  • code Code