Flutter/Tensorflow: Android Plushie / Not Android Plushie - Part 1: Build a Machine Learning model to recognize Android plushies.
Flutter is Google's new platform for multi platform development. Multi platform means that what you write on Flutter runs on Android, iOS (for iPhones) and Web.
Tensorflow is a Machine Learning framework released by Google that you can build ML models to run anywhere. On Phones, Servers even on an Arduino! Impressive right!
In this task we will build an ML model that recognizes Android plushies! After that we will incorporate that into a Flutter app! How cool, you will have your own classifier run on your phone and something to show off to your family and friends!
The task is to build a Tensorflow Lite model that predicts whetever an object is a Android plushie or not.
Submit a link that uses a Git Repository with the tflite model and the training data. You can also explain how you've created the tflite model what tools you've used and how you gathered the data
Links that can help you:
https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/get_started https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/classification https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSKfRcEDGUs