Rust: A xkcd comic fetcher that converts it to ASCII art
This is easier than it sounds and also lots of fun. Your job is to create a program (in Rust) that downloads a comic from the famous website and displays it ASCII art.
You don't have to convert the image to ASCII yourself; there are libraries that do for you and it's OK to use them. For example this is one such library:
(you can use any other, or write one if you want, etc)
1) Your program needs to be packaged with cargo
2) You must upload your submission to github
3) Your github project must have a with usage instructions AND a terminal recording with (this is a fantastic tool, super easy to use that lets you record a terminal session and play it back anywhere, or even embed it on a web page) that shows you compiling and running your program.
4) If the program is run without any parameter, show a random comic. Otherwise, show the comic number corresponding to the parameter, or an error if such comic doesn't exist.
5) Output the converted comic in the terminal