CCExtractor Development

SwagLyrics-Backend: Create homepage template


SwagLyrics-Backend is a flask application that extends the functionality provided by the SwagLyrics application and also helps in issue management. It provides an API for the main application to communicate with.

The task

Currently, SwagLyrics-Backend has a plaintext homepage. We feel we can improve the aesthetics a bit as well as make it easily customizable. Your task is to create a html template written in the jinja2 framework used by Flask which will then be rendered by the backend. You can also write a nice description for the homepage.

Requirements to complete this task

We expect an opened pull request, which contains the modification requested above, unit tests that cover (most of) the changes, and documentation where necessary.

Relevant extra links

Task tags

  • python
  • flask
  • api
  • jinja2
  • backend

Students who completed this task

Sam P

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training