CCExtractor Development

Flutter: A simple who is who game

Do you know when you are in class but you don't know the name of someone you've seen a lot of times, or you've seen the name of someone written in many places but you can't put a face to the name? Well, we're going to write a simple game to help with that!

Suppose you have a simple json file that contains, for each person in your school, a path to his/her picture, the name, and the specific class he/she attends.

The game is simple: Randomly show pictures from the collection, and ask the player for the name. The player has 10 seconds to think of the name (they don't need to type it or anything, since this is for "self practice" we'll use a honor system). Then ask the user if he got it right or not. If yes, don't ask for the same person again in this game. If not, you may ask again in the same game.

Ask 20 times for different people (OK to repeat one if the player missed). After the game is over, show the score.

Try to make the game as visually attractive as you can.

As for the pictures and names, you can use whatever you want, but please do NOT use your school information. You can use actors or other famous people.

Task tags

  • game
  • flutter

Students who completed this task

Youmu, RobOHt, knightron0, Tantan4321, dhrumilp15, Krzysztof, Techno-Disaster, kashparty

Task type

  • code Code