CCExtractor Development

Flutter/Tensorflow: Android Plushie / Not Android Plushie - Part 2: Incorporate the Tensorflow model you got from part 1 into a Flutter app!


Flutter is Google's new platform for multi platform development. Multi platform means that what you write on Flutter runs on Android, iOS (for iPhones) and Web.

Tensorflow is a Machine Learning framework released by Google that you can build ML models to run anywhere. On Phones, Servers even on an Arduino! Impressive right!

We will use the tensorflow model from Part 1 to integrate it with our App and get started with detecting objects!


The app will consist of only one part in the moment but you are free to think of what you can do in the future or improve it

Your task is to build a real time detection camera view into the app with the tflite model you have. Once you merge those 2 Parts and the Application works you can submit the app for review!


Submit a link that uses a Git Repository with all the flutter files you have including the tflite model. You can also explain how your app works and what's the main logic behind it :)

Links that can help you:

Task tags

  • flutter
  • object classification
  • machine learning

Students who completed this task

kdrag0n, Techno-Disaster

Task type

  • code Code
  • done_all Quality Assurance