CCExtractor Development
(IV) [winnerstrack] Python: Advanced Python debugger
You should only do this task if you have completed the previous one in the series.
While the program is running: Add the following functionality to your debugger:
- Print the number of times each line has been executed so far
- Print the time spent in each line, both average and aggregated so far
After the program ends, write a report that includes
a) All created variables and where, as well as the ranges and type, and the initial and final value.
b) Total program execution time.
c) The number of times each line has been executed
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Students who completed this task
Knob, cppio, AlephZero, Sudox, knightron0, Techno-Disaster, kdrag0n, dhrumilp15, Krzysztof, Tantan4321, Musab Kılıç, Vraj