CCExtractor Development

Python: Advanced Python debugger

We have had a few good submissions to the basic Python debugger task:

They work well, but they have a problem: When just part of a variable is changed, they report the whole variable as having changed. Let's extend this a bit and make it smarter by adding this constraint:

For arrays, lists, etc, when there's a change, you need to report which element(s) have changed.

Task tags

  • python
  • winnerstrack
  • advanced

Students who completed this task

Knob, cppio, Lux, LJ, AlephZero, Sudox, knightron0, Techno-Disaster, dhrumilp15, Krzysztof, azure, Tantan4321, Musab Kılıç, Vraj, kdrag0n

Task type

  • code Code