Open Roberta

Program a simple(!) mazeexplorer in the EV3 simulation


We try to showcase the capabilities of the Lab and the robots with interesting programs.

This is a NEPO task, make sure to read the info.


Create a new background, a maze. Areas forbidden to enter are green. The resulting maze should be simple, legal and forbidden parts should be broad. Curves should not be sharp. Put a yellow blob somewhere in the legal area.

Upload this background.

Write a NEPO program for the ev3 simulator, that explores the maze and detects the yellow blob. How hard is it to avoid endless search? Can you state requirements for the maze to be successful when searching?


Pictures of good and bad backgrounds. The search algorithm. Description of the solution strategy.

Task tags

  • nepo
  • advanced
  • simulation

Students who completed this task

Olivia, kiminonawa, Aria, Dina7, Blippy

Task type

  • code Code