Open Roberta

Swimming robots


In addition to programming robots with the Open Roberta Lab, we also want to give you the possibility to get a glimpse into current scientific missions that use robots. One way to bring you to such missions is to bring the extreme environments of those missions into the Open Roberta Lab.


Create a background for the Open Roberta Lab simulation that shows the ocean surface. Try to be as accurate and real as possible. What challenges shall the users face with your background? If you have no ideas where to look for possible challenges, research Ocean Savior, or Ocean Cleanup.


The simulation background image and a description of the tasks that you can program for the EV3 or NXT on it.

Task tags

  • advanced
  • simulation

Students who completed this task

Xwang11, nishanth1232, Dina7

Task type

  • web Design
  • assessment Outreach / Research