Fedora Project

20 Queens

The n-queens puzzle is the problem of placing n queens on an n×n chessboard such that no two queens attack each other.

As we know the n-queens problem is NP-complete so we only need a program to calculate one solution for 20 queens. The program will:

  • Print just one solution for the 20-queens problem.
  • Use random numbers to likely generate different results on every run.
  • be commented on the details of your solution.

Task tags

  • optimization
  • coding

Students who completed this task

DefinitelyNotAshnxious, arorasiddhartha, skr1p7, Rajvardhan, Ayush19, Vedant V.S., Galahad, synnek, m1m3, Prathampc, cfalas, srikavin, jaagrav, jjjding2, Chenlitw, KshitijTeotia06, paraxor, Emily Ong Hui Qi, Looter, UTx10101, dhrug, simon7l7, EmperorAj, Santhu, Jatin, Zotyamester, Mukundan314, Antagon, Mandarin Pine, Suhas, Nalin_1000101, Parzival_10

Task type

  • code Code