Fedora Project
Tic Tac Toe GUI
Make a GUI to implement Tic Tac Toe game using Tkinter. Convert the GUi to a .deb file for use on your favourite linux distribution. Make a github repository with the code and instructions to use it.
Intended Output:
Repo link
Task tags
Students who completed this task
skr1p7, Mad Scientist, m1m3, Anu2006, Rishabh Sood, weakit, Aneendyadg, LaidlawAWZ, Abtaha, alex209, SDAH, Antares, Chenlitw, Vyachko, maria.pana, adv, AI_Ranger, Norem80, Aashna Gupta, Haekal, paraxor, Michael, simon7l7, EmperorAj, VH-tech, ysm, Farhan, VishalBala, Arby, Ayush19, Suhas, Jatin