Fedora Project

Exploiting a Buffer Overflow Vulnerability

Buffer Overflow is a vulnerability in which a less privileged user gains unauthorized access to a shell with same privileges as the program's current executor by overwriting beyond the maximum buffer size. Once a hacker gains privileged access severe damages can be inflicted on a machine. This vulnerability often exists in programs written in C/C++, languages wherein the developer must manually manage the memory footprint. You will be given a binary file which has a buffer overflow vulnerability that you need to find and exploit using gdb(GNU Debugger) only! You also need to write a detailed Write-up on how you completed your task and successfully exploited the Buffer Overflow.


Share the link to the write up with the ASCIINEMA. For the write up, you may use any platform of your choice.

Contact Mentor:

Please do not copy someone else's work from the internet. If you have doubts contact the Fedora Summer Coding group using telegram. If you are not already a member you can join the group https://t.me/fedoraSummerCoding

Download the binary file from the link given at the end of the task.

Task tags

  • cyber-secuirty

Students who completed this task

ns0631, Louis, QQCute, TwinkleStar03, Rajvardhan, synnek, ntrung03, aszokalski, srikavin

Task type

  • code Code