Fedora Project

What is a makefile anyway?

Create a Makefile which will execute a small C++ program which would output some data to a text file. A python program will then read the data from this file and plot it.

Please provide the link for the git repository consisting of the source code. Bonus points for following convention.

Task tags

  • python
  • makefile
  • c++
  • matplotlib

Students who completed this task

codingpheonix, wikwg9, skr1p7, m1m3, mak31tra1n, Argletrough, Max.Godfrey, Abtaha, SDAH, Gap, kanavkoder, MysteryMage, Sash713, Shadowblade, JYu07, juuzou, i^i, UTx10101, Michael, Rahul03rai, wasowski02, Shreeniket987, strawberryshaker2005, EmperorAj, Chenlitw, ns0631, Rajat.b631, NightShade256, VishalBala, Mukundan314, Ayush19, sparkplug, Jerry Liu, Suhas, oakpine

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training