Fedora Project

Implement Google News API

Google News provides the latest news that are published globaly in well known news networks, this API can be used anywhere so we want you to create a news app using this API.
To get an API key visit here.
You should create an app or a website that uses the given code combined with requests to show any news related to these keywords: Linux , Open-source and Android that are sorted from newest to oldest. You can use this guide to setup your app. Note that you can do this with javascript and use your browser as envirnoment.
Submit your python, Node.js or C# made app along with a recording of you running it. Having a GUI is mandatory.

Task tags

  • api
  • google

Students who completed this task

skr1p7, samuelus, synnek, m1m3, VH-tech, cfalas, weakit, Abtaha, jaagrav, Chenlitw, Sash713, paraxor, Shadowblade, AI_Ranger, mittal1787, UTx10101, geek123, simon7l7, strawberryshaker2005, EmperorAj, jerrym1299, ns0631, VishalBala, Mukundan314, Ayush19, akshayprogrammer, Suhas

Task type

  • code Code
  • chrome_reader_mode Documentation / Training