Fedora Project

Deploying the Python (flask) application on the internet (Heroku)

Deploy the web application created in the task: "Flask app for NASA APOD API" OR "Creating a web application using Flask" on heroku web service.

You may follow the following blog post for doing the same: https://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-xviii-deployment-on-heroku

Provide the link and the Procfile

Task tags

  • python
  • flask
  • heroku
  • web application

Students who completed this task

skr1p7, Mad Scientist, m1m3, srikavin, rt, weakit, SDAH, Chenlitw, Sash713, codingcodfish, Shadowblade, paraxor, geek123, simon7l7, jonot, EmperorAj, VH-tech, ns0631, VishalBala, bl6, Mukundan314, akshayprogrammer

Task type

  • code Code